Fit and Happy Indoors

Fri 5 pm - Zoom from home

Fit and Happy Indoors

We are currently on holiday. Our online sessions will resume on Monday 30 May 2022.
Hope to see you then!

Stay Fit Happy and Healthy Indoors. During the Covid 19 Quarantine we have moved our sessions Indoors.

Every Wednesday 10 am and Friday 5 pm we concentrate on cardio exercises to keep our hearts, lungs and bodies strong and healthy.

This session is live per Zoom, so I can help you stay motivated to work hard, really get your heart rate up. I promise it will be fun, and we can have a lovely chat before and after. Even though we are each in our own living rooms, it will still be interactive, and I will do my best to correct your posture if necessary.

What you need:
• ca 1.5×1.5 meter space to move around.
• tablet, laptop or computer screen with internet connection
• two waterbottles, cans or small hand weights
a straight kitchen or dining room chair without armrests.
Cost: Use your 10 session card for £8.90 per session, or £70 per month for unlimited sessions if paid monthly in advance (excluding neuro sessions)

Please send me an email if you’d like to join, and I will send you the access link!