We are starting knitting classes!

Coming in from an autumnal walk, I love cosying up with my knitting, a hot chocolate, and some lovely people. These wild and wet autumn days, knitting something warm and cuddly can bring the perfect a bit of ‘hygge’ in our life.

Here at Fit and Happy Outdoors, we are all about creating community and doing the things we love. This autumn, we will bring it indoors too. Many of you have seen me knitting after sessions, and many of you told me you would love to learn to knit better. So, here we go!

On this inaugural knitting afternoon, you are invited to bring any project that is lurking in your cupboard. It can be a sweater you started two years ago and never finished, or that lovely yarn you fell head over heels in love with and just had to buy, but never quite knew what to do with.*

Meet us at noon in the Half Moon pub in Herne Hill We will knit and enjoy each other’s company until around 3.30 pm, enjoy a cuppa and if you run into any issues or get stranded; Ailien will be glad to help you out. We can teach you new techniques, or help you remember old skills. We can help you finish that sweater like a pro, or give you ideas how to make your sweater fit you just the way you like it.

*This session is not intended for absolute beginners, if you have never knitted before, keep an eye out for our beginner workshops which we will add soon!

Organiser Ailien started knitting her first sweater when she was a little girl. She kept knitting just about everything; little dolls, fair isle hats, fingerless gloves, copying a cable sweater she had seen in Vogue, or taking a photo to turn it into an intarsia sweater design.

Now she loves sharing her top tips to help you knit with more ease, resolve any issues, or finish that sweater like a pro.

*Drinks and snacks not included. The pub doesn’t charge us, so it would be nice if you would order a drink or two and maybe even something to eat. 🙂