Getting ready to leave

Prospect of Whitby

How to make the impossible possible? How to go on an expedition when you have very limited cash? How can I make sure I still have work in September and make sure you can still walk this summer?

Going away for 2 and a half months means not earning any money during that time, so I have to take some drastic measures. I have decided to give up my appartment and put everything that I am not taking with me in storage.

Francesca and Tony have agreed to take over my classes, I hope you will have fun with them!

I was initially planning to leave on Wednesday evening, in the hope that friends who wanted to could come and wave me off, and for some of my kayak friends to paddle with me for the first hour or so.

But things didn’t quite go as planned. Moving out of my room took a lot more time than I expected. Also, I still have to do a bit of admin before I can set off for 2.5 months, like changing Meetup and my website so you all know how to contact Francesca and Tony. On top of all that, the weather isn’t exactly playing ball. At the moment we have thunder and lightning in London. I prefer not to get struck by lightning on my first day!

To give myself a bit of time and less stress, I have decided to postpone leaving to early on Friday morning.

I would still love to see you though. If you are in London, I would love to toast to the adventure with you tonight (Wednesday) at 8 pm at the Prospect of Whitby.

Love and hugs!